Compress files of Synology NAS


So I want to backup my Synology NAS to an external HDD. I got a 12TB NAS with about 6TB used.

I would like to compress the file system to the maximum, so I can use old disregarded hard drives from old laptops. Most of them are 1TB. These drives will just be placed at different locations, so If I ever have a total failure (I still got 321 even without these drives) I can recover from them. I know that this is not really the way to do this, but as I can get the 1TB drives for free at work and I think it is a little crazy project I want to do.

As it is, my private NAS time is absolutely not a factor.

Sry to put it easy

How much can you compress a backup file on Synology?

I’m not sure what compression algorithms a Synology NAS offers, but GZIP9 is probably the highest compression that is broadly available. It is a great CPU benchmark too :slight_smile:

I get like 1.6 compression ratio across my entire zfs pool on the backup drives, but I’ve got lots of media there too, which can’t be further compressed. So YMMV, but anything between 1.0 and 1000 compression ratio is possible (assuming you don’t keep large files around that consist only of 0s).

bzip2 is very heavy on the CPU side of things, but usually gets a bit higher compression.