These past few years I’ve been feeling less and less invested in gaming, and when I do game, I feel like I’m getting less and less out of it, in terms of enjoyment, mental stimulation, immersion, etc.
I used to be able to sit down and play for hours at a time, feel like I was having fun, get excited about playing stuff, would actively discuss games with others etc, now I can barely focus on anything for more than 30 minutes and I seem to spend more time staring at my various libraries and installing stuff i know I’m never going to open than I do actually playing games.
The only kind of games I feel I actually engage with anymore are stuff like Enter The Gungeon and Toho, stuff that is actually meant to be played for 20 minutes at a time. This’d be fine, I have other things I enjoy doing, but my gaming (or rather, trying to but not really bothering to) habit feels like its getting in the way of me doing those things as much as I’d like.
Like I enjoy reading, I work out, I’m working on a website, I have a bunch of music I want to listen to, shows to watch, projects to do, and I do them, enjoy them, wish I could do them more, but end up frustratingly bouncing between games instead of doing them, and I’m not sure why.
I don’t think I’m depressed, and I can’t think of what else has changed other than I’ve got older. Is anyone else feeling anything similar?
I’d like to play games again properly or stop entirely, because this is just dumb. Sorry if I’ve missed a thread already open about something similar, the last discussion I could find in search was a necro’d thread from 2015.