Just wanted to introduce myself to the community, and reingage with humanity yet again. I recently found my old Commadore 64, the very first cpu I had when I was around 9 or 10? I was cleaning out one of my fathers many hoarding stacks, and found it in the original box, with the original receipt of purchase. I am looking to try and get it running again, but have other prescient projects that I am in the middle of, and the 1541 floppy drive may be missing… I am currently sheetrocking my entire basement, and setting up a shared office, building a new PC, etc…so it will be some time before I can dig into the Commadore. If there are any old PC enthusiests out there let me know.
Brief fun fact, did you know that you could write to both sides of the old 5.25" floppy’s. A friend of my dads showed me you could notch out the left side, flip the floppy over, and write data to the medium on the other side. That was my first “hack” back when I was like 11 years old…
Just wanted to say hi, and see if I could find any old Commadore users out there.
Like many things on these forums I have zero experience with them much less understand all the details, or any of them for that matter, but I do really enjoy seeing the process and reading about all the little oddities. I just amass information that is mostly useless to me but is fun to know, so whenever it happens I would be interested to see what you get IP to with the C64.
Coincidentally, while not mine or in my house, I am told there is an original C64 that once lockdown ends I could get a look at, so it may not be entirely useless information to me after all. But I still doubt I would actually use any of it.
At one point I was given an old C128. Hardly did anything with it and as I moved out it stayed behind with family. That was well before any Millennials were born
As it happens, I know there’s (still) quite a community around the Commodore and some perform the ultimate sacrilege and gut their machine to put a modern PC in it. It’s then part of the larger group of so called sleeper builds, which is an interesting field of computing in itself. There’s a dedicated forum over at the (huge!) LTT forums and IIRC there’s also space reserved for these kind of builds here on the L1 forums. For inspiration you could explore the mini-itx website, apart from their store they have a nice collection of these sleeper builds: https://www.mini-itx.com/
Here are some photos of the find, and no one is more anxious to dive into this than me. I have a whole stack of new pc parts to build, my old Dell XPS 630i that I want to revitalize, and the C64. Unfortunately, I also have an entire basement to sheetrock by myself, and am not going to be digging into anything until my office is set up the way I want it. Hopefully the photos will be enough to sate all our desires for now.