College student in need of help

Hello TekSyndicate,

TL;DR: Website I can make in which college students can posts books/clickers/other college stuff they are selling. They will post for free, but I would like ads to be put so that I can have a monetary gain to pay for my college expenses. I won't host the site myself (will pay for, as initial investment with hopes of gaining more via ads)

Longer version: College started, and the Bulletins are FULL of people selling/buying books! They are so cluttered they are impossible to understand! Someone made a FB page, but it's not that clean. I was considering making a website that people can make/browse "ads" of people selling/buying items. For one, it would help a lot of people; and two, I could really use some money to cover expenses (advertisements?). Here's the thing, I don't know s**t. I have NEVER made a website and am in complete need of help! I need someone to show me each and every single one of the ropes... Any help will be GREATLY appreciated! Thank you in advance Tek Syndicate!!

I suggest angelfire or geocities! /1998

Check out

They have several templates.  Check out the Takk template specificly.  You can set up a Blog style way of posting it.  They also have TONS of video tutorials on how to do things.  You can also make your own store and just have them purchase it online.  Really great website to figure it out.

On a side now, this is also a good place for intermediate programers because you can actually access the HTML and CSS code and actually alter specific things.

I wouldn't like "" to be a thing xD. Would much likely prefer "". I am very willing to make an initial investment, but this whole idea is to make income for college expenses (through advertisement?) in the long run...

Is a squarespace-built website profittable? My main goal is to find something that can help me get through some college expenses...

Its $20 a month.  And if that causes you to lose money, then I dont know if profits less than $20 is worth your time anyways.  You can try it for 14 days anyways.

I've decided to change my approach altogether

 I believe a mobile app will be much more accesible to users. (And maybe more profittable). Any help/suggestions for an Android and iOS app?

I've decided to change my approach altogether

 I believe a mobile app will be much more accesible to users. (And maybe more profittable). Any help/suggestions for an Android and iOS app?

If you use squarespace it will create a mobile website for you that you can use a smartphone scanner barcode thingy to link to.  That would be a little more pratical.