Cleaning hard drive

ok what tool is best to do a good clean out of all my app data and stuff


a drill or press

garbage compactors work too

dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sd# where # is the drive you want to wipe. Make yourself a nice liveusb.


Lots and lots of thermite.

Or, disassemble the drive, and use an Oxy/Acetylene torch to melt it, or maybe a bench grinder to turn it into dust.

i was going to suggest thermite, but then i thought "hey this is probably too scary for normal people". that being said i have considered making thermite "sleeves" for hard drives with a gun powder and phosphorus "on button" so if i ever need a hard drive wiped on the quick i could have it wiped with the press of a button forever.

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lol so have I. An encrypted NAS with a thermite detonator stripe on each drive.

this exist but i rather have it inside the cage on top of each drive with extra at the very top so it will drip down melting as it one uses both 5.25 in bays anyways.

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