Cleanest looking linux distro?

looking to get into linux mainly because I like how you can customize basically everything anyway I was curious which ones have a clean aesthetic ones I had in mind were elementary or antegros but im sure how user friendly they are. if anyone have any suggestion for a highly customizable(in terms of aesthetics) distro that would be much appreciated.

All distros have the same desktop environments, and window managers available to them. The distro doesn't really matter.

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oh ok, sorry im new here

Distro doesnt matter.. as far as cleanliness of DE's.. i would say Cinnamon or KDE.. KDE IS VERY beautiful

I would look here most of the post tell what they have use as there settings.

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That's what great about Linux, you aren't "bound" to any combo of distro + DE. You do what you want, how you want.

Depends on what you mean cleanest. Minimal?Familiar?Panel-like?

Elementary boasts itself to be very user-friendly and uses the very apple-like (in design principles) Pantheon environment.
Cinnamon is very familiar for windows users and has many nice gnome-like properties.
XFCE - Mate are also simple and lightwieght.
Gnome is different, panel-like but helps you be very efficient if you get use to it and has a lot of customization options.

And yes you can install any GUI on any distro no problem but if you are bound to use a certain GUI its better to chose a distro that supports it officially. The integration would be better on many cases.

Try the them at a Virtual Box first to see what you like.

I was going to simply suggest plain Ubuntu (running unity) as the cleanest distro around, but then I saw that you want customization. In that case, I highly suggest KDE. Now's a great time to get in to when you consider 15.04 is about to drop with Plasma 5.

Only down side is that you may find KDE so customizable that you get overwhelmed. But, if tinkering is your thing then look no further.

Hm … I always thought of KDE as being messy. I’d recommend unity or gnome actually for “clean aesthetics“

But everything depends on what you think of, when you talk about clean. I prefer tiling WMs for their automatic usage of available space ⇒ thats clean for me.

ArchLinux + OpenBox
(gotta love that standard grey background)

Openbox really is the only one I can tolerate. It's so simple that there isn't much that could go wrong... now if only there was some kind of window push-to-edge resizing..

Yes, this please!

In regard to your statement of how "User Friendly" each Distro is, keep in mind that Antegros is easy to install and use, but is still based on Arch and thus is a "Rolling Release" which means it's constantly being update/upgraded and/or changing, so if you go that route be careful that things may break and/or stop working. I personally run pure Arch as my base OS and have had some little issues but nothing that deterred me from Linux. I'm not new to Linux, I'm a IT consultant and have been running Linux for over five years,

User friendly experience is key to moving new users over to Linux and I would recommend a Ubuntu or Debian based distro with either Gnome, Cinnamon, KDE or Mate (my favourite DE) simply because the support is far better for new users or inexperienced users. Elementary OS I think is good start for a new user as opposed to Antegros.