Citizencon 2016 to give definitive Star Citizen release date?

Yay or nay?

What do you all think? Me? Well, I'm just praying it's so. Because waiting for this game is painful. I wish Tommy Lee Jones would knock on my door, neuralize me, and tell me to forget everything I know about Star Citizen.

It's like they're making a fucking spaceship for Boewing at this point.

StarCitizen release?
I do not believe in that until I see a boxed version in stores.

But still, I expect release of something one could call "finished" before the new Berlin Airport is opened.

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I believe that what you would consider finished/release ready for Star Citizen is 3.0. So says Chris Roberts. But... man, is it painful waiting.

Oh gods no. The spacecraft designs in that game are the product of utter ignorance of the most basic fundamentals of spacecraft engineering.
Most of their spacecrafts would be incapable of moving properly, either because of their hull shape or thruster placement.

Check out the Mustang.
The main criticism when this was revealed was that they would have to ignore physics in order to make it fly because the thrusters (and thus the center of thrust) are way above the center of mass. It would just nosedive and do loops forever without constant vertical thruster fire from beneath. Vertical thrust would most likely not be enough to counter the massive torque from the main engines anyway.

So much for a "realistic flight model". Star Citizen is a far cry from being a space simulator if it can't even come up with plausible spacecrafts.

And that's a shame, cause the game is pretty damn fun. If only it didn't take itself seriously, cause it has a lot more space-fantasy elements instead of the proper science-fiction that it seems to think it has. But no, marketing insists on it being a "simulator", and calling their fantasy bullshit "science-fiction".


Probably not. Just another vague time window. Probably will be missed.

Sorry mang this game is gonna be well. A disappointment.

LOL! StarCitizenevercomingout


The blue spacecrafts on the left make more sense than that thing!

You do realize how many discs that would be right? Unless they sell it in flash drives

All those datacaped or slow connection people would not buy if it was download only.
Maybe they should sell it on an SSD that you only need to throw into your rig.

I actually have Star Citizen on its own SSD
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W-wha? no, no. I was just speaking figuratively. Not actually taking a jab at the in-game spaceship designs. Everything looks great. I'm talking about the whoopty-ass progress of the game's development. And just the release date in general.

I think what pisses me off most right now, actually .. is the fact that they've teased us with so much. And they've been doing it not for a matter of MONTHS. But YEARS. Literally, YEARS.

Probably not. The MMO is far from being finished, I very much doubt to get a release date for it any time soon. What is a much higher probability is a release date for the first part of Squadron 42. Or at least a more specific time frame than "sometimes around the end of the year".

I think that's my ultimatum, now. They're just teasing us at this point. I'm genuinely angry at them for showing us gameplay for this long. Usually that's a matter of months for games before release. This is just too much. Almost as if they wanna reel people in. I ain't paying for that shit until it's released. I'll take a boxed copy.

Waiting for a finished game is perfectly fine, just don't expect the MMO to be done any time soon :)

I don't know if you have been following the game? They have been pretty upfront with the time table, that it will take time. It was a couple of years ago - I think, can probably find it if I look - that they asked the community if we wanted a small game sooner or a large game later. The overwhelming response was for a large game later. So later it is. Squadron 42 is another story, I would be pretty surprised to see it not releasing soon-ish, fist half on 2017 at the latest.

I have had plenty of fun playing the alpha. Testing can be fun too, but not for everybody. Getting into the the game now means you're pretty much a tester (if you want, no need to play the alpha). That you get access to the alpha is a "thanks" for supporting development. All the ships sales money go into development of the game, it's not like someone is eating it up as profits.

Who the fuck flagged this?


"let's shit on Star Citizen even though we have no evidence of anything and will literally lose nothing if it fails" thread # 390298289


Yes. Exactly what's going on here. Asking whether the Star Citizen-related press conference, run by the game's developers themselves will reveal some sort of release time frame. And people trying to quench an insatiable level of desire to play the game through that. Yes. We're shitting on Star Citizen in this thread. Y'know. It's why I started it.

And I think the other couple of posters have also done their fair share of shitting on Star Citizen.

Excuse me while I do another line of blow.

i've never seen so many people eager to declare a game dead or a failure, even when there's no evidence for it being either.

Maybe because this project was declared "to huge to fail" which is bullshit aswell?

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