Chromium Crash on Launch Umbuntu MATE on Launch

Fairly new to Linux and decided to get a Rasp Pi 2 to monitor my IP camera feed and the weather on a older 720p monitor. All was fine until I did a reboot this morning now every time I try to launch Chromium it crashes and closes.

I have tried to uninstall and re-install to fix the problem along with various other things to no affect. When I try to run via console this is what it spits out at me.

Thanks in Advance for any help.

slo@pi:~$ sudo chromium-browser
[sudo] password for slo:
[1:1:0330/] Check failed: IsFileSystemAccessDenied().

0 0x000073d1b73a base::debug::StackTrace::StackTrace()

1 0x000073d2e5b2 logging::LogMessage::~LogMessage()

2 0x0000732ab2ae sandbox::SetuidSandboxClient::ChrootMe()

3 0x000075f3ff4c

4 0x000075cd7b92

5 0x000075cd806c

6 0x000075cd6e76 content::ContentMain()

7 0x000054d3b50c

8 0x00007238b772 _libcstart_main

Received signal 6

0 0x000073d1b73a base::debug::StackTrace::StackTrace()

1 0x000073d1ba2c

2 0x00007239a230

3 0x00007238b9a6

4 0x00007239961e gsignal

5 0x00007239a312 abort

6 0x0000723c33ac IOfile_xsputn

[end of stack trace]

you absolutely do not need to use sudo when launching a browser. In fact, you absolutely should not do that.

I encountered the same (almost) error with my chromium when I launched it with sudo. When I didn't use sudo, it worked fine.

Try it without sudo

sudo was just to produce the stack trace as I thought it would help in figuring out the root of the issue, a normal launch results in the following.

slo@pi:~$ chromium-browser
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
slo@pi:~$ [2372:2372:0330/] InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process gpu-process

Have you tried doing an update?

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Can you give the output of the uname with the -a option appended?

Yes, I have done all the update using both the commands you listed above also uname returns, I hope that is what you needed.

Linux pi 4.1.13-v7+ #826 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 13 20:19:03 GMT 2015 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux

Interesting. Is the package you're using called chromium-browser or chromium? From what I can see, both exist.

I don't have a pi with your distro, so I can't be 100% sure, but that's what it looks like.