Chrome threatens our freedom. Firefox or die!
Google Chrome, being the majority browser, is able to steer internet standards. They (Alphabet, Goolag) WILL use this power to break the internet beyond repair. An example of how Free Software would not be able to fix malicious design is DRM, sure you can turn it off and remove it from the browser - good luck using services like netflix. It is possible to see a future where Goolag steers web standards to thoroughly nest themselves deeper into the very foundational fabric which makes up the internet thus making it impossible to eject from their tentacles and hence also their control over us, their cattle. And those changes, just like DRM, can be removed, but will anything on the internet work?
Peer into my crystal ball and behold the darkness: Search the following
gnu org malware-google
wikipedia Embrace%2C_extend_and_extinguish
Wake up proles! Gather your pitch forks! Perform the exorcism, purge the Chrome cancers and cleanse your machines with Firefox. Join, fight and promote the battle for freedom! We need numbers people! Numbers! Numbers! NUMBERS!
With computers and the internet becoming a single point of failure for our day to day existence is it paramount to not only keep analog alternatives alive (use cash) but also to ensure the gate-keeper software we use (operating systems -hello Debian GNU/Linux, browsers etc) is Free/Libre Software controlled by non-profit organizations (who are not controlled hopefully) and not giant corporapetions.
If we build a turn-key totalitarian world and things go dark like in China with the social citizen scores you can never escape - no way to ever reach critical mass in resistance. It is a one way street: this time, if we lose freedom, it aint coming back. Sooo, we need to collectively pull our heads out of our behinds and see the Free/Lible Software light before it is too late. If we sell our freedom for convenience… the chains won’t be coming off.
PS: Remove Goolag junk from firefox about:config and also look into ghacks-user.js
Chrome: Brought to you by the censoring, monopolistic, manipulative tech demon known as Goolag.
Firefox: Brought to you by a non-profit rebel alliance desperate for your support in the fight against the empire, not perfect but it’s what we have.
“It is every citizen’s duty to poke big brother in the eye” - Richard M. Stallman.