Chrome Themes

So what is everyone's Google Chrome theme at the moment? This one is mine

I used to have an image of colonol from mega man that I created myself; until I downloaded the skype click to call extemsion, that is. It entirley broke my chrome and I was forced to reinstall. Luckily I have firefox as well so I didn't have to use IE to find a chrome download

Firefox, bitch.

Why not use both?

Because all of my plugins I use daily for productivity are on Firefox, I prefer the way it works, feels, and loads pages.

I'm using the Tron theme.

I use this one most of the time...

I think it's time for something new though.  I may give this one a try...

I just started using this one after changing out from a blue ROG style.

And I use this one for Firefox.

I can't find a good ROG skin for Steam sadly as most of them are out of date and dont work with the new big picture button arrangement on steam.