Changing wi-fi card Vendor/Product ID number to bypass Lenovo whitelist: help please!

So here’s where I’m at. I’m following this guide ( computing - Workaround for HP notebooks with bios minipci lock) in order to do this process.

I have a Thinkpad S1 Yoga with a new Intel 7260 mini PCie wireless card which should be supported, but since I didn’t buy the replacement wifi card it through Lenovo the VID is not on the whitelist. I currently have this Intel 7260 installed in my Asus Zenbook Prime UX21A which has Fedora 25 installed in order to complete this fix.

When I try to run his idchanger tool, my output just says “KILLED”

[root@MashedBrotato ~] ./idchanger -r 0xf7c00000
Accessing adapter at 0xF7C00000

I’m thinking the issue may be that my Memory is 64-bit vs. the 32-bit from the walkthrough, but that’s based on no information other than that I can note that as an obvious difference. If this is a case, would a modification to the IN32 and OUT32 portions of this code be necessary?
I don’t know how to complete this if so.

Here’s my relevent info from the lspci printout:

[root@MashedBrotato arthur]# lspci -nv

02:00.0 0280: 8086:08b1 (rev 73)
Subsystem: 8086:4070
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 31
Memory at f7c00000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8K]
Capabilities: [c8] Power Management version 3
Capabilities: [d0] MSI: Enable+ Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
Capabilities: [40] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting
Capabilities: [140] Device Serial Number 7c-5c-f8-ff-ff-cc-b0-d7
Capabilities: [14c] Latency Tolerance Reporting
Capabilities: [154] Vendor Specific Information: ID=cafe Rev=1 Len=014 <?>
Kernel driver in use: iwlwifi
Kernel modules: iwlwifi

I need to change that 8086:08b1 to 8086:08b2 and the 8086:4070 to 8086:C070 from what I can find regarding Lenovo’s official VID for the 7260 card, but that info is slightly sketchy. If anybody has a good source for their officially white-listed VIDs that would be really helpful as well.

Please help!

If the pci card wouldn't be whitelisted the machine would't boot at all, but apparently you're in linux so it's a firmware issue. Lenovo has started to do some shitty stuff recently, so I'd first check if blacklisting 'ideapad_laptop' resolves the issues. (Doesn't need to be an ideapad, that's just what the module is named)

Perhaps I was unclear. The card needs to permanently go in a Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga S1, but I have it installed in an Asus laptop right now (my Linux laptop) so I can affect this change. When put in the Thinkpad I get the 1602 error for an unsupported Wi-Fi card immediately upon attempting to boot.

Edit: 1802 error. My B.

Yh it doesn't fit Lenovos walled garden apparently, not much you can do tbh unless you can install a custom bios.
And you can't change the firmware on a card either. ID's you can change but those are machine-specific, you can't change an ID of a card and swap it to another machine preserving the changes.
Or can you?

I got the impression that you could, mostly because the guide walking through this indicates that your options are "you have 3 ways to do it: using another laptop without bios lock, using a minipci to pci converter in your desktop or inserting the adapter in your HP notebook after POST", his guide being for an HP laptop but being referenced HERE:

Try inserting the card instantly after bios post, that's what the dude who wrote the article did.
Because I'm highly sceptical you can conf a card and swap it to another machine...

I think you can. You're changing EEPROM values, which are hard-coded into the card. Regardless, I can't figure out how to modify his solution to my needs. Ugh.