I have an Unraid sever that i built a year ago. I never bothered to try and use the IPMI until last night. I thought that the username and password would be the default ADMIN ADMIN. I had no clue about the California law that made them have to have unique passwords. I bought the board used and must have thrown away that information. So now i am trying to run the IPMICFG Program from Supermicro to reset the password on my mother board, but cant seem to put the string together correctly. I am completely green when it comes to command line stuff. The manual says the string should looksome thing like this
[ipmicfg_HOME] > IPMICFG.exe -fd 3
I assume the [ipmicfg_HOME] refers to the location of the file
Unraid says the file is located at /mnt/user/isos/IPMICFG_1.32.0_build.200910/Linux/64bit/IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 on my windows share. When i put this in
/mnt/user/isos/IPMICFG_1.32.0_build.200910/Linux/64bit/IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -fd 3
it says
-bash: /mnt/user/isos/IPMICFG_1.32.0_build.200910/Linux/64bit/IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64: Permission denied
i tried whereis
it comes back
So i tried IPMICFG-Linux: IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -fd 3
it says
-bash: IPMICFG-Linux:: command not found
Can some one please explain to me what i am doing wrong. Please respond to me like i know nothing because i am very new to this.