Celeron N3000 TDP 4W?

The new cpu's from 14nm seem to have awesome low TDP... does that even need a radiator?
What do you guys think? i know its soc


TABLETS.. i want to see that be in a tablet with a very large battery.. x86-64 tablet would be nice.. FULL CISC instructions

yeah tablet like asus transformer t100 would be nice with it.

I have a tablet with the Celeron N2940 or something in it now, a quad core Atom with 7.5W. I like it a lot, it's great with KDE5 being so fast and all, it's the first full featured tablet that I feel is really an enrichment in terms of user experience. It barely gets hot. I monitor the delta to Tj, and it's always above 30°C, so no problem at all it seems, even with lack of any ventilation, active or passive. The Tj is set at 105°C though, usual on mobile SKU's.

I tried some Soc's with the dual core Celerons, which use 3.5/5 W, but the performance thereof is not enough for modern use in my opinion. The new 3k series will probably show similar results. The power is quite a bit lower so the performance probably won't be much different. The quad core with better graphics will use quite a bit more power than the dual core, but will be usable.

The downside of x86 tablets is the Intel graphics. HSA and Intel is pretty much a non-issue, and HSA on ARM is a thing.