CCNA Certification

Hi Everyone,

For people in the industry, I am a guy who has been working in the networking world as a cable technician for almost 10 years who has experience in Anaerobic Fiber along with Mechanical Fiber, Voice and Data, Server room build outs, Patch Panels etc... With someone with my experience in a commercial environment would a CCNA Certification Allow me to break into the IT Networking world? ( being that I would not have a college degree just experience in the field) I am also teaching myself Python.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Hello @HippyTree, As someone in the IT industry and without a degree I say do it!

I got into IT with certifications. If you go for the CCNA all I ask is you really learn the tech, don't just take the test.

I've worked with "CCNA's" who didn't know how to move ports to another vlan... I mean really?

Take the two test route and get your CCENT first. As far as learning Python, more power to you. It's great for a lot of things.

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Understood, Reputable resources on the subject?

You could check out
They provide the things you really need to know about the CCNA courses.

I find it easier to learn by this site than the official course modules from NetAcademy.
Alot of the stuff you read there is Cisco marketing.

Good luck

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Yes, when you don't want to be passed over for better job positions, and don't want lower salary increases at each employee performance review then others with certification.
Yes, always, when you want to go contracting/freelancing.

But if you go for it, go for it full Monty (the works). So don't lean on your experience too much, just to try to get through it. Really earn the certificate. You won't look silly when having to implement some tech you hardly knew the basics of when starting the training, but which was taught, and you just skimmed over it during training.

As @drmario says above. Go full Monty. Make sure the training you are getting is up to date. I enjoy the study guides from Todd Lammle and I use the boot camp videos from Chris Bryant. My 2 cents.

It is very much worth it. It's pretty much the entry into networking. I'm going to be getting mine soonish. Let us know what your thoughts are on it once you do get it!

I am a visual lerner so appears to be the best route for me. Thank you everyone for the help.

Also, I would suggest the videos at cbt nuggets. Their subscriptions are expensive, but are totally worth it.

I am currently preparing for the 200-125.