Captive Portal - How to Start Raspberry Pi

Hey everyone,

I saw a good idea from an article as a software project: to write a captive portal for one’s local network. Similar to how hotels, airports etc have a web portal to let you log in.

My Google / DDG fu may be failing me, but I’m not finding many resources on how to get started with this. I don’t want a step-by-step tutorial, just a place for some general info I need to pull it off. This would be done with a Raspberry Pi.

I have a router running OpenWRT, so hopefully that will help me get started. Does anyone know some good resources / where to start?


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Have a look at ipset, the kernel/firewall module, and look into adding dnat rules.

Beyond that, you need a simple web app to add things to ipset, (could be mac addresses as well) and a cronjob to remove things after a while.

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