Cant remove GUEST account. It's like a phantom account!

Here is the error I’m getting …

There is no GUEST user to remove from “Family and other users” under “Settings.”

Here are my system/OS version specs…

ALSO, the GUEST account is on the main login screen when windows starts and can not be logged into. It is also the default account that the machine tries to login to upon start up.

Aside from reinstalling windows are there any work arounds with windows 10 home edition? I do not have active directory on this machine.

Thank you in advance!

Best option to hide it is to disable it in Computer Management:

Then it won’t show on any login screens and cannot be used by the system. But it won’t cause any problems because of a default user not being present in the system either and you don’t need to have access to the default admin account; any account with admin rights will do.
Disable the default admin account while you’re at it if you don’t use it for security reasons as well, it is too easy of a target!