Cannot Install OS on New Build, Help!

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I am a noob coming to you for some much needed guidance.

I recently purchased hardware to build my first PC from scratch but I have hit a snag in a very important area, no matter what I do, I cannot get the installer to start when booting from USB.

Here are the Hardware Specs:
MSI z270 Gaming M3
Intel i5 7600k
8 gigs of DDR4 2400 Ballistix RAM
MSI GTX 1050ti GPU 4gb
500W Thermaltake PSU

I have tried every trick I can find like enabling Legacy Boot, taking RAM out and trying different slots, booting with or without the GPU, but I still get the same result.

With Windows 10, it lets me choose whether I want 32 or 64 bit, but once the progress bar reaches the end I get a screen stating that: Windows has failed to start... etc with an error code of 0xc0000221 or sometimes 0xc0000098 and a description that the Operating System cannot be loaded because a critical system driver is missing or contains errors. Yet when I try the USB key on my laptop it boots the installer just fine.

Ive also tried Manjaro Linux but all I get is a Grub error: Unknown Filesystem. But again, the key boots on my laptop.

Im really at a loss at this point, does anyone have any ideas on where to go from here or see some glaring issue that my dumb ass is doing wrong?

Any help in this would be tremendously appreciated, Thank You!

Did you try to mount the HDD into another system and access it? Had the error once with a used HDD because it was encrypted. After mounting it in a diffrent system and formating it everything was fine.

If you are installing as Windows OS, go into the BIOS and enable 'Secure Boot' or any ohther EFI settings.

Report back

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Unfortunately I dont have another system to try that on but Ill see if I can scratch something up. This drive is really temporary until I can get an SSD but nothings happening until I can get something to boot into an installer. :sob:

Ive even tried to boot into a live USB of linux and that doesnt fly either.

Thanks for the replies guys!

I just gave this a try and got the same result.

I select Windows 64 bit, it loads files, but as soon as the bar fills I get the error that the kernel is missing or corrupt. I don't have fast boot or any other MSI bull enabled either.

Here are a couple of pontential fixes based on your error codes.

It appears you got a bad .Iso file

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That was my next post ! Thanks

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I could understand getting a bad .iso as I downloaded it using Microsofts Media Creation Tool. But why would neither Manjaro nor Ubuntu boot? Because the problem is not getting the hard drive to boot after installation, but rather getting the installer to boot at all. I cannot even get a live image of Ubuntu to boot on this machine.

Is manjaro or ubuntu just booting into a black screen?

if so I would disable secure boot in your bios switch everything to UEFI mode and when you go to boot into manjaro or ubuntu run in nomodeset, after that upgrade your distro and update it then you should be good.

In addition to nomodeset, I'd boot with nouveau.modeset=0 as well. The latest Pascal cards don't play to well with the open source drivers.

I always suggest the simplest fix before anything else - try a different USB port on the new system!

I recently upgraded to Ryzen and had a similar problem. I'd just loop at the boot/BIOS screen and couldn't really do anything. Changing the USB port fixed everything haha.

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Have you tried to install without the gpu, just the onboard graphics?

Alright so excellent news, I discovered that I, indeed, had a hardware issue. The CPU was faulty and causing the erratic behavior.

After finally getting sort of somewhere with Ubuntu, I got this kernel panic, and after some digging, surmised that it was the processor. I stopped by Microcenter on the way home today and exchanged it and now I am running Windows 10 flawlessly. (Well, as good as Windows can be. :stuck_out_tongue:)

Thank you all for all of your suggestions and I hope to be able to help y'all out in the future.

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