So I have looking glass VM -> VM setup. My configuration is a linux mint 18 client with nvidia GTX 950 (proprietary 384 drivers) and a Windows 10 running the host which is using an GVT-g slice. The host in this case is Unraid 6.8.0-rc7. So basically just a weird all around configuration.
I’m running Beta1 everything.
My first issue is I cannot get the client to start with EGL (the default). I get this:
./looking-glass-client spice:enable=no -a -f /dev/uio0 -L 32[I] main.c:996 | run | Looking Glass (B1-rc6-6-gb979752989+1) [I] main.c:997 | run | Locking Method: Atomic [I] egl.c:187 | egl_initialize | Double buffering is on [I] egl.c:201 | egl_initialize | Multsampling enabled, max samples: 4 [I] main.c:902 | try_renderer | Using Renderer: EGL [I] main.c:1183 | run | Using Clipboard: X11 [I] main.c:1259 | run | Waiting for host to signal it's ready... [E] crash.linux.c:172 | crit_err_hdlr | ==== FATAL CRASH (B1-rc6-6-gb979752989+1) ==== [E] crash.linux.c:173 | crit_err_hdlr | signal 11 (Segmentation fault), address is 0x720 [E] crash.linux.c:201 | crit_err_hdlr | [trace]: (0) /usr/lib/nvidia-384/ [0x7fbcd347dae9]
I’m not sure how to troubleshoot this or get the stack trace. It occurs to me now I should try updating the system as the VM uses a somewhat old installation. It seems like EGL is probably the default for a reason.
If I switch to opengl renderer, LG starts and I get a connection. But it seems pretty choppy and I notice a lot of screen tearing, generally I’m not very sensitive to tearing. Indeed, if I run the FPS switch I’m seeing 24UPS and 15FPS. This happens when watching a video, not running anything heavy. The guests cpu and gpu usage are pretty low in this scenario.
Its possible the poor performance is just because LG doesn’t get along with gvt-g, as another recent user found. I plan to try out a separate video card instead to rule that out.