[Canada] Please Help First $1000 Streaming/Gaming PC

Basically this is my first build ever, the main goal is to get the most out of my money so that I could stream and play the most current games and future games to come at relatively high settings with great FPS. I hope this can be as future proof as possible

The only things I think I'm missing is the case and the cooling, I already have a mouse(deathadder),keyboard and OS. Hopefully if I missed something you guys can fill me in.


  • Budget. Max $1000 | Prefer $800~ or lower
  • Country/Currency: Canada | Canadian Dollars
  • Retailer: No Preference
  • Peripherals: Have Mouse / Keyboard / OS / (Debating on buying a 144hz or a 60hz monitor)
  • Main Use: Streaming / Gaming
  • Overclocking: If it's worth it, sure but I have never overclocked before and don't know how.
  • Cooling: Would prefer whichever is cheaper/does the job.
  • Settings/FPS: As high as possible (higher end of settings), sometimes lower for games like CS:GO
  • Resolution: Same with Settings/FPS
  • Game Types: Watch Dogs, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Far Cry 4, D3, etc (Newest)
  • Streaming: I'll usually be streaming CS:GO, League of Legends, Hearthstone and sometimes the newer more CPU/GPU intense games.
Note: The parts I found without links were from Boxing Day flyers and I plan to buy all the parts on Boxing Day.
Edit: I found a $299 R9 290X so now I'm not sure if I should get that instead x.x so confused

PartPicker Link (My build so far, but if you can do better pls do so): http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/4ggFpg

Reddit Link (More info if required): http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcforme/comments/2q7d4t/canada_please_help_build_my_first_8001000_best/

I also have a few questions about my build concerning a lot of things so any advice/opinion is appreciated.

1. Case & Cooling

I'm having trouble figuring out which case I should get and even more so what kind of cooling. Can you guys help me find the amount/type of cooling I need for this build and the case that works best for the price with the cooling method (Price/Performance > Looks, I don't care what the tower looks like).

2. Power Supply

I can either save $20 by going for a EVGA 500W 80+ Certified ATX Power Supply for $19.99 or go for a Corsair CSM 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply for $39.99. Do you think saving the $20 is worth it?

3. Monitor

Is it really worth getting a 144hz monitor now? I mean it's $269, I'm leaning towards taking the monitor out and just purchasing a 60hz one on my own then upgrading later on so that I can go much lower than my budget (it would be nice to just spend $700 for the best bang for buck)

4. CPU & GPU

Should I get these or the build mentioned in the comments of the reddit post?

5. Motherboard

Not sure if I chose the best value motherboard for the job.

I hope this wasn't too much information, I really appreciate anyone taking their time and helping me get the best deals for my first PC and of course Happy Holidays :).

1. For a single R9 290, any decent case will do.  I've chosen one for you.

2. Both are great power supplies, but the CSM is a bit better.  I usually try to get at least 80+ Bronze certification, so EVGA's 500B may be an option as well.  EVGA's 500B is also a better performer overall (I won't go into specifics, as that might confuse you).

3. Really up to you.  I do see some places in the build that could be disasterous, and you may have to drop this down to a 60hz panel to save some money.

Motherboard.  AM3+ M-ATX motherboards really aren't suitable for the power draw of 8 cores.  The power delivery on them is weak, and intended for the older chips that came before the FX-line.  A FX-6300 would work, perhaps, but I would never put a FX-8350 in that.  Minimal cooling and the motherboard just isn't built to handle the power draw.

If you do go AMD, I recommend that you get a proper motherboard and overclock.  It doesn't have to be anything huge - a simple number change in the UEFI will do the trick.


FX-8320 is a lower clocked FX-8350 for cheaper.  These chips can easily be overclocked to run at FX-8350 speeds.

CPU-cooler.  Nice and quiet and keeps your CPU nice and cool.

MSI 970 Gaming.  Much better motherboard.  With AMD's FX-line, you do not want to cheap out here.

1TB - typical stuff.  If you can stretch, maybe fit a 120gb SSD.

GTX 970.  Much less power hungry than the R9 290, very overclockable, and runs a lot cooler.  I think it's worth the $20-30 premium.

Corsair 200R - great budget case.

EVGA 600B.  On par with Corsair's CX series, and inexpensive.  It's not top notch quality, but leagues ahead of cheap power supplies.

I appreciate the answers and build, thank you. I learned a lot. I hope you don't mind if I ask you to help me finalize the build on the 26th as things should be a lot cheaper since it is Boxing Day after all. Checking a couple of flyers I found FX-8350 for $169 on the 26th and I'm pretty sure it would be better to get that instead aswell as some other parts that will probably receive a discount. Hopefully there will be a cheaper cooling option during that day, I didn't think it cooling would cost so much. Same with the motherboard and case, I know I shouldn't cheap out on the important things so I won't but I'm just trying to get room to fit in that sweet 144hz gaming monitor haha.

You can get a cheaper cooler which can still cool nicely, but of course it won't perform as well or be as quiet.


Fitting in that 144hz monitor is gonna be tough - it's almost 1/4 of your budget.

I like those builds but I would go with 290 if your trying to save money, the performance is same as the 290 and its about $60 bucks cheaper


Yeah, not sure what I was looking at before, but at $60 price difference, the R9 290 becomes a great price-performer.

Hmm I changed the GPU to a R9 290x as it's on sale at the moment. What would you change now that the GPU is different? http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/H9jB7P

What kind of motherboard/power supply/case would we be looking at with a FX-8350? I know the FX-8320 is cheaper right now but in 24 hours the FX-8350 will be $169, is it really worth still going for the FX-8320 knowing that price?

Go for the FX-8350 - $169 is a steal.

The power supply usage is close - I usually like to go a little bit over (~100w greater than estimated), and maybe 50w more if I'm overclocking.

There's a pretty good deal on this EVGA 750 B2 - kind of in a weird spot.  Plenty of wattage to do as much overclocking as you really can, but not enough to add a second R9 290X in the future.  It's the next option up that I'd get from the 600B.


Also, do you plan to crossfire in the future?  I'd go 850w if you were planning to do that, but I generally don't like crossfired R9 290/290Xs unless they're spaced out well due to thermals.

I'm not planning to crossfire in the future. Still need to learn how to properly overclock lol.

I was watching the $750 gaming pc video on youtube and down in the comments it mentioned my r9 290x possibly being bottlenecked which worries me, would a intel option be better? Same with Kingston memory, I'm conflicted now between same priced DDR3-1866 memory from G.Skill and Kington. I still put them in the PCPartPicker so I'll let you decide.

The FX-8350 for $169.99 is in-store only so I guess I'll be lining up haha.

Another worry is that the R9 290x for $299 is only on sale today so should I just buy it now or will there be a better GPU on Boxing Day?

Played around with the build and since I'm a noob I'll let you choose the motherboard + case, again as cheap/value as possible please :p. 

Looking at the price I should now be able to fit the 144hz panel in which is exciting. http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/7WJpWZ

Well, the main thing is that Intel's per-core performance is higher, and therefore games that aren't threaded nicely(which is a large majority) tend to perform a bit better.  Streaming is a bit harder on the i5, though, as streaming prefers more cores.  Methods such as Quick Sync(Intel's iGPU streaming), Shadowplay/GameDVR, or simply stepping up to a CPU which has hyperthreading can help improve performance when streaming.

Intel does have a price premium.  The lowest i5s are like $190, and go into the upper 200s.

G.Skill has better RAM timings.  CAS latency is 9 versus 10.    Basically, the lower the CAS, the better.


Not sure if I told you this but:

Do you need Wifi?

Do you need an optical drive?

Do you need an operating system?

Hmm, so I guess the price premium isn't worth it for Intel when streaming. What if I only streamed CS:GO & League of Legends on lowest settings? Would it be better to go with Intel then?

I mean they're pretty much the only games people actually watch and I still have to line-up for Boxing Day for that FX-8350 which I'm not 100% sure I'll be able to get haha.

That being said, a lot of Intel processors will most likely receive a discount tomorrow so I'd feel guilty/don't want to ask for a pcpartpicker today. Especially because the one you made is already so price/performance godly. 

I'm pretty much sold on this build, unsure about the tower/case but overall feeling good.

So I mean Thank You, really. Trying to find the best deals really stressed me out, you helped with that. 

P.S. I love your avatar lol and nope I don't any need wifi adapter, optical drive or OS.