Can i start a youtube channel through a proxy so google doesn't know my ip?

Yeah im going to commentating on this election and i don't want anyone to hack and be able to find out my address. That has happened to youtubers, so yeah i am a little bit paranoid. Is it possible to mask my i.p while using youtube? i know google makes you give them a phone number to verify your channel. So im not sure how to exactly go about this, where's wendell?

how about using a VPN

Does youtube post your IP publicly? How do you propose a malicious actor will find your IP through your public youtube profile?

Then why does the original poster need a proxy?

CAUSE Google is creepy ?

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So from having an anonymous-ish account you do not have to give youtube your info, You will not be able to monetize your account till you verify yourself but that is kinda irelivent.

Just remember to create a new email address that is not linked to anything you don't want identified.

Youtube Doesn't but hackers somehow find out youtuber's addresses and leak them online so that got me paranoid a little

Yeah that's what im gonna do. I was just wondering if there was a way to mask my i.p as well, there has to be some way even through google how else are journalists supposed to upload videos?

VPN but really most journalists dont mask their IP address.

Damn . I should just do it... what do you guys think

'hackers' were finding IP's from Youtube? more likely they listened in on people who were online gaming ( notice how most getting IP logged are gamers ) by sniffing a server's connected clients. I could be wrong..

There is always VPN though and given how all forums and social media sites keep the original IP address registered (id wager the Tek is the same) it might be time to invest in one.

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How would you even get an unlinked account to post on? That is virtually impossible today. If anyone knows a way, I'd like to know.

you use a email service like this to make an email account and then link your google account to that email account.

or you setup a private email server that is designed to be anonymous its really up to you.

By AVG. MMmmmm. Na