Can I simply swap my OS drive for a newer one?

So I'm planning to replace my Samsung 840 evo with a HyperX Predator PCIe SSD. I currently have my operating system (Windows 8.1) on there. I seem to remember reading something about the key for the windows copy somehow being tied to the hardware but I'm not quite clear on how that works. Is it the motherboard, the SSD, a combination of components? So my question is can I just swap out the SSD, reinstall Windows and activate it as usual or is there something I should be aware of?

Also would I need to update my BIOS (I've got an Asus Z87-Pro) prior to installing the new SSD to ensure that it's recognized?


I believe swapping boards requires reactivation but not so sure about storage devices.

You should be fine, even if you have the OEM version of Windows 8.1. OEM software is often tied to the motherboard (though, in my experience, activating OEM software after a MB upgrade/replacement usually goes fine if you talk to a M$ rep), but you can swap out HDD/SSD to your heart's content. You're good.

As far as updating your BIOS, I don't know. Best bet, try it first, and if it's not recognized, then update. I don't generally recommend flashing the bios unless there is something wrong.

Thanks for the response. That answered my question :)