Can anyone help me

i set a supervisor password as required and changed boot mode to legacy ... i use unetbootin to make flash drives

What computer / motherboard is it?

I've seen situations where you need to delete the SecureBoot keys to allow it to boot into legacy devices.

SecureBoot is nice if you can use it, but in my experience it's a pain for frequent reinstalls, Linux and Windows 10's rolling images alike, so I would disable it completely.

Please tell us what the system is as this will help us to help you.

ita an acer aspire e-15 laptop .. thats all i know .... secure boot keys ???

Presumably you looked at this:

I haven't done it on an Acer, but on HPs there is a SecureBoot section in Security. Following this you need to enable legacy boot devices.

Do you have "Erase All Secure Boot Settings"? This should remove all trusted keys. Hopefully disabling after that will allow you to boot from other devices.

Can you get to the boot menu? What is it listing?

i set a suprvisor password and was able to change boot from uefi to legacy ... there is a erase all secure boot settings option & i did that ... there is an option to erase files "dbx db somrthing something ... should i erase that ... that is the only thing i havent tried

Can you get to a boot menu?

yes i changed boot prioty to udb flash

Sorry, I wasn't clear.

Can you get into a one time boot menu?

Acer usually use esc on the splash screen to get to this.

im not sure what you mean by one time boot menu ... f12 brings up available boot options >px network something & hdd5000sdf something ... but no usb flash

thank you for replying ... basically ihave a laptop that is a bluddy paperweight ... i deleated windows and am left with a machine with just a bios

I'm going to try and help you as best I can; there are a few things you need to understand for this to work. Please click each one.

BIOS Legacy Boot

This method is old school. You typically won't use this way to boot anymore except for legacy scenarios (old stuff; pre 2007), or in rare scenarios where a buggy poorly-made BIOS only supports this method. Often this will be labeled in BIOS options as CSM boot. Don't use this unless you have to.


The modern way of doing things. Windows versions 7, 8, 8.1, 10 use this method as default unless criteria from the previous article is met. I.E a shitty BIOS.

Installation Media

Depending on what you use, an ISO or IMG, you will need to use appropriate software, and depending on the image itself, the appropriate hardware. For example, if you are trying to use an old version of Windows 7 ISO (without the service packs), then you will need to install this OS with a CD and not a USB because back then it did not included drivers for installing from USB.

Now that you understand these three things we can get down to business.

Since you are trying to install windows 7, I would suggest you:

  1. burn the ISO using Active @ Iso Burner. If using an image file use Win32DiskImager.
  2. Go into BIOS and make sure Secure Boot is disabled.
  3. F10 to save changes and reboot, or just save and reboot.
  4. F11 to select boot device. If the function key doesn't work, then there is some other key to use specific to your computer. Look it up on the manufacturer's website.
  5. Select your boot media, should have a UEFI: in front of it. If it doesn't then you will have to use the old legacy method to boot with. In which case you will need to make sure Legacy/CSM boot is enabled in BIOS.
  6. If these two methods fail then there is something specific you will need to do to get an OS installed. Something specific to Acer in this case. Search their website or contact their support for help if it comes to this.

working on it ...stand by

thak you for the effort i'm going to smash my computer to smithereens with a 10lb sledge hammer .... if i tjought someone else would have better luck i would give it away *microsoft is a virus

darn, I take it the install didn't work?

no optical drive ... but i might rectify that before i implwmevt the sledgehammer solution ... i live in hope : )

You could always get one of those external ones that connect to USB.


mdk & a helpful neighbour to the rescue

problem solved.