Camera film back door repair


I’m not sure if this is the right category for it. The camera I want to fix is quite old though.

I have Nikon F50 that I took out to remove the batteries from and I saw that the door is cracked from the hinge. I was wondering, should I use something like soldering iron to “weld” it back together? We don’t have any repair stores around here. I was thinking of using soldering iron on the outside part and super glue on the inside. I’ll put a picture down below.

I would be inclined to make the crack bigger with a “V”. If its possible sink some staples in the backside while staples are red hot. Then use super glue and baking soda(? Use google to check what to mix with superglue) to prevent it coming apart again.
There are also plastic welding rods available that perhaps might work. You would need to know the type of plastic the camera is made from.


Do you mean those clips they melt into plastic parts? I thought about it but the problem is that the plastic is very thin, so it would have almost no surface to stick to.

I will look into what type of plastic it is for sure though!

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