It’s a tiny OpenSCAD script that, by changing a few parameters, will create custom cable clips/combs for you. I’ve used it for everything between and including a group of 5 9mm thick power cables to AWG18 internal power leads.
This alone justifies the price of a 3D printer. (Or, I guess, maybe I just had REALLY messy cables before.)
Print the stuff from PETG for its rigid-but-bendy property. PLA works but you have to be spot on with your caliper, and even then it’s a fine line between risking damage to the insulation and the clip not being grippy enough.
Good luck! I still have the enclosure assembly to do for my Prusa, but I always find more important things to do. The printer though, that’s a big payoff when you finish it, and remember, there are gummi bears along the way.
Lol I was referring to the pack of Haribos that Prusa stuffs into every printer’s box that they sell. They’re supposed to be a reward for achieving various stages of assembly.