Buying two Intel Xeon Platinum 8275CL SRFA9 for a Dell R640


I am about to buy a used Dell R640 tomorrow. I am thinking about buying two Intel 8275CL SRFA9 that seems to be in an OK price right now.
Am I stupid, should I go with two 16 core Intel Xeon instead? Do I dear to buy refurbished/used CPUs on Ebay?
I am located in the EU (Sweden)

A small update, it might not be compatible. If anyone got any experience let me know.
The server is offered with Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors and this is a 2nd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors. Not sure if it’s forward compatible but if anyone have any info let me know.

I tag @wendell here, I hope that’s OK.

No idea. You can search and see if dell ever sold them natively? Even then it isn’t a guarantee

A small update.
Cascade Lake works with R640, up to 8280. I am tempted to give it a try :slight_smile:

I did’t dare.
The server support up to 205W per CPU but these run at 240W.
Some Asrock motherboard support them.

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