Buying keys from 3rd party supplies Q

Dumb question but .. Buying a division key from a UK site .. Everything will work OK right? I'm in the States.. I would just take the key and add it to my uplay correct?

Plus any keys I may get for steam would work the same way correct?

I don't need to be living in the UK right :D haha

Some keys are international, and some are region specific.

Chances are that a UK key will work in the US.

Got a link and I'll check?

Kk ty for the reply .. Looking to find a half way decent deal on The Division and saw the tek has it for 42.. But being a UK site that they link to .. I just wanted to make sure... Might check greenman as well and see if they have a voucher for there preordered of the game.
Again TY for the reply :)

If you're referring to this one, it'll work in the US.

From the description on the Dealzon post

There a 25% off discount drops The Division's price from £39.99 to £29.99. By default. GP shows its prices in British Pounds, BUT you can buy the game from anywhere in the world. Due to a favorable currency exchange, the US gets a higher percentage savings with a drop to $42.22 at the time of writing, or 30% off.

The Division is NOT region locked. There are no regional specific keys for the Division. Any genuine Division key will work anywhere in the world.

Ahhhh, so that's what everyone always talks about when they complain about region locked .. Always wondered haha
Ty guys for your help :)

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