Buy the Invite or buy the actual OnePlus One phone

Today my Nexus 5 bricked and now I've decided that i'm going to buy the OnePlus One. Question is, should I buy the phone from someone directly, or should I buy an Invite and then buy from the official OnePlus site. (if that's not how it works, than please bring me up to speed.)I don't mind paying for the invite if it means I get to purchase in the official manner.

Also, if anyone has any invites...

So you can't really buy an invite as they must be given to you by someone who already has an invite. If you are in the US not many people will have a one plus one phone either. If you can't wait you can pick up a one plus one online from oppomart, but it will be a little overpriced. All though one plus ones are sold officially every Tuesday on their main website starting at $299. Also just in case you don't know the one plus one will only work on At&t and T-Mobile in the US at least.

Which is why I asked. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) I am in the U.S. and my service provider is T-Mobile so i'm good there. I guess i'll have to buy from the official site if it is that simple.

Before I posted the thread I was taking a casual look on eBay to see what would pop up when i searched One Plus One and found many people selling their phone as well as some invites but I'm always skeptical of such things. Good thing I asked here first. Thanks for the quick response too.

No problem, happy to help out, I hope it all works out for you.

I currently have the OnePlus One, but no invites. However, every Tuesday, OnePlus has a no invite time slot, where anyone can purchase without an invite. I'm not sure how long the time slot is, or if it is around still (only took a short glance, slight envy cause the program came out about two weeks after I ordered through invite).

Best of luck.

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Do you prefer Oxygen OS of have you stayed with Cyanogen?

Haven't played with Oxygen yet, I use the Xposed framework for some apps like RootCloak, so 5.0.2 wouldn't help.

if you are still interested, i just got 2 new invites today.

Good to know

I accidently deleted my post but Im still very much interested in one of those invites please if youve still got em