Hi all,
I am looking for some advice. I want to build a new portable APU based rig. I used to have one using the PC-TU100B, but a friend needed a computer so now it is theirs. I wanted to use the same case because I really like it, but wasn't sure if the PC-TU200 might be better for in the future and perhaps a different CPU cooler than what I selected. Below is the current theoretical build. Thanks for the input guys.
If anyone is curious here is the old build.
If it were me I would go for cheaper RAM ($115 for 8GB is absurd) and switch out the WD Black2 for a separate SSD and HDD. You should be able to get a decent SSD and a 1 TB 2.5 inch HDD for significantly less than the Black2.
I want high speed lower profile RAM. Everything else at those speeds has overly large heat spreaders. The main reason for the Black2 is to test out the concept. I have spare 2.5" drives around to include a 256 GB OCZ Vertex 4.
*corrections There are 2 others I could try
Any will work just fine.
I like G.Skill more than Patriot, though.
I have had good luck with G.Skill before in regards to reliability, but I had a problem with them fitting correctly in the DIMM Slots because of the heatspreaders. I ended up taking them off, trimming them down, and reapplying them.
Guys thanks for the opinions. I am considering more options now. My one big concern is cooling at this point. Not sure if I will need to mod the case. That would be a nuisance since my tools are back in the US and I have another year to go here. Good excuse to buy more tools I guess.