Building a load balancer

thinking of building a load balancer using linux any recommendation on hardware or software anything useful even if tips like using cento OS or ubuntu anything about load balancing would be a great help


What kind of load balancer?

I want to connect more than one isp to the load balancer then connect it to my PC if possible

pfsense can do this. Or if you don't have a spare PC then pretty much any multi-WAN router should be able to do it.


Someone like @Dexter_Kane can help you

im going to be bulding a new pc from scratch for this dedicated just for that , my budget is probably around 200$ maybe more not sure i think 200$ is enough

thank you both for your help ill google pfense and read about it

To use pfsense for this you need a computer with 3 network interfaces, that's about it. You don't need anything fancy.

It's pretty straight forward to set up, you can probably find a guide or ask again on the forum once you have the computer. The basic gist of it is configure each WAN interface then create a gateway group with both WAN gateways set to tier 1 and the trigger level set to 'member down'.

This is mine as an example:

As you can see this gateway group contains the gateways TG_AU_VPN4 and TG_SYD_VPN4. In your case you will only have two gateways for each of your WAN interfaces, so just set them both to tier 1.

After that go to the firewall rules for the LAN interface and edit the default allow any to any rule, go down to advanced options and set the gateway to whatever you named the gateway group, this will tell all outgoing LAN traffic to use the gateway group rather than the default gateway.

That should be all you have to do, you may need to manually configure the outbound NAT options but it should sort itself up automatically, if not look up how to set it up manually or ask on the forum.