I’m looking for advice if it will be worth it in my budget to build a NAS myself, as i been looking into getting a NAS for backups.
I’ve built desktop PCs for over 14 years now but I’m totally new when it comes to NAS and servers. Currently i only do back ups of my 256 GB Boot SSD to a old 1.5 TB HDD in the same PC. I have looked at prebuilds in my budget like the QNAP TS-230 but it can only fit 2 drives and i was kind of hoping for a bit more redundancy than that if possible.
I live in Denmark and my budget is 4000 DKK (around 530 euro) total for the build and storage drives.
We gonna be 2 people max accessing it at the same time.
Storage: I’m only gonna start out with 2x4TB drives but if possible i want to be able to expand to at least 4 for redundancy in the future.
Ram: At least 2 GB
The rest of the components i am pretty open to any suggestions.
Operating System
I looked at unRaid, FreeNAS or TrueNAS Core not really sure which to go with.
I highly appreciate any help/advice given.