Build Challenge: AMD Only, 800 Dollar Max

basically 7970ghz (his iceqx2 7950 when overclocked sometimes beats the 7970ghz and is almost always on par when it doesnt)

6300 with a great cooler and awesome motherboard that will let it easily surpass the 6350 in performance

Great psu

8gb (2x4gb) ddr3 1866

Great thermal paste

I have made the most powerful build so far, with the gpu alone, the ram is dual channel 1886 (I am a strong believer that dual is much better when available)

I am confident noone can beat this

only con is 250gb but you should just cannableize an old hdd and ssd dont add noticeable fps to make it worth it 

Mine's not very overclocking heavy for the cpu, but I put more focus to the gpu

In my opinion it was worth making cuts to get this gpu in.

The his 7950iceqx2 is basically a 7970ghz edition and has a 7970pcb if im not mistaken, plus a 7970ghz edition beats the 7870, 7870xt, and the other 7950s(even the msi twin frozr and asus one)

Your build was quite impressive, although you had the 6300 instead of the 6350, I think that will be overlooked considering the price.....lololol First would be better than the one the smothers your system .

if you get a unlucky his iceqx2 expect to still overclock stable to 1150 if you get lucky, they can go past 1300(wtf I know its crazy) I would say expect 1200-1250

for the cpu I would overclock from 4.2-4.3 to keep it stable but also to prolong the lifespan, it wont last as long keeping at 4.6, keep that in mind, I made the build to last

Also I used a great thermalpaste that will help lower the temperature and combined with the asus motherboard will allow you to reach 4.2 stable(at that speed it doesnt matter going higher since it wont bottleneck the 7950[basically 7970ghz] and it will prolong the cpu's lifespan keeping it at 4.2

the dual channel 1866 ram will beat single channel 1600 and corsair has great customer service

to me you can use any kind of hdd from a spare computer, but 250gb will be plenty and will give you a chance to wait a few weeks before giving up lunch for a week to afford an ssd or larger hard drive

the xfx psu is probably going to be a rebranded seasonic and I highly reccomend you get that over a corsair(psu are meh besides their ax series, since there are much better psu at their price when it comes to corsair) also if I am not mistaken the xfx is a higher tier psu than the corsair builder

please keep in mind the parts I picked are for not only the best $800 build (I went to $799), but also for the longest lasting build.

I did not use the 6350 because the 6300 when overclocked is the same thing but cheaper and allows more money to be put into other parts

the asus motherboard was chisen for better overclocking ability, much better customer service than msi, and their boards are evidently physically stronger than competitors. For $900

If you are building a new pc and thats what this contest is about, I would just buy the his 7950iceqx2 and keep everything and wait until the next gen amd am3+ cpus come out

I am extremely confident I won this not to brag.

Gona OC that any? xD

Winner will be posted on the 12th :P

Challenge Accepted:

*EDIT* - Forgot to include the optical drive. New link posted including ODD.

*EDIT2* - Went and did some more optimizing with the parts, new link posted below.

CPU OC to 4.5Ghz

GPU OC to 975Mhz (Don't wanna push a reference card too far...)

New Link -

No OC? :P

You can if you want, but the power design on the mobo is a little lacking. You might be able to pull it to 4.2Ghz no problem, but I'd be too scared to go past 4.4Ghz.

As for the video card, I have a similar model and it loves to OC, but as each card behaves differently, it's hard to find a good baseline for common stable OCs.

you can but it would be at your own risk :)


If someone were to actually build with it, I would probably push up around 4.5. THEN AGAIN, this is a challenge thread xD

Well, for the sake of the challenge, throw something you would probably OC it to if you were to do the build. It would help your score in the challenge xD

It's a good challenge with a solid rule set. Given I saw a couple builds popping up using the tempest 410 lol...

Glad to be part of it man, best of luck to the rest of the builders! :D

I dont see any point going past 4.2-4.5 at the most when you have a cpu that isnt bottlenecking your card I still included a great cooler for the price

Crim, I don't recommend that motherboard for overclocking since it has no heatsink on the VRM's. It will run very hot.

I will probably score your build benchmarks on the clock of 4.5GHz


Then either install or jerry rig a delta fan pulling air out the side of the case, problem solved

Or get a different motherboard, but the asus ones are physically stronger