Hello Everyone. I’m very new to using forums but I’m an electronics embedded software engineer so very technical in my job but I need to replace my mini mac 2011 which died last week and I’m not buying another mac. I must however be able to use the Apple Thunderbolt display as it is brill in my view. So I looked at the ASRock Creator which seems to have the display port input that goes to the thunderbolt output. This all looks great but does it work on Linux? So has anyone done this at all or have any other options where I can still use my Thunderbolt 2 Display?
I had a tb2 macbook display for a while that I wish I still had. I just plugged it in to my box and it worked.
I’ve used the 2011 display with my razor blade stealth 2017 had to use the tb3-2 apple adapter worked just fine under deepin Linux, Debian, void, Ubuntu and fedora
It’s worked with my mbp 2012 with Linux installed
There is some fuckery to be don’t to get brightness and sound settings to work but picture , camera , microphone , usb, eth and fw #justswork
Though getting those settings to work is really simple under Debian likes but harder under fedora and void
Only issue I’ve seen with am4 is that with the under Linux you might hit non hotplug issues
Also @wendell has done a lot with thunderbolt I would recommend checking some of those videos and posts out helped me figure out thunderbolt audio issues
Hi thanks for the quick reply chaps. There are so many options out there its difficult to know where to start. I’ll have a look at the “razor blade stealth 2017”. Aremis what motherboard did you use?
Ahh so you have both used thunderbolt display on linux but has anyone got a apple thunderbolt display to work on ASRock Creator. I think I could use a cheep graphics card feed the display port into the on board thunderbolt display input and use a th3-2 converter. But as usual its easy to say that but sometimes more difficult to prove. If someone has done it and gone through the pain that would be interesting. There are loads of people out there like me who love their Apply Thunderbolt displays but don’t want a mini mac with a intel i3 or i5 processor and no way of upgrading memory any more.
I have my Mac Pro 4,1 flashed to 5,1 with gigabyte titan ridge tb3 card it works flawlessly under Linux I need to boot windows and reboot with to OS X to use tb3 card cause the Mac never really turns off so the windows driver allows OS X to use the card I don’t know how this works but it does
I’ll test, I also have the tb1-2 to tb3 dongle and I’ll give it a shot soon… my display lcd panel burned out, had a wavy line on the edge and then black screen everything else worked Tho
60-100$ Fix imo worth