Budget rendering rig


I'm new to building a pc, In fact this will be my first build..

I am an aspiring 3d vfx artist and my integrated graphis dual core laptop just isn't cutting it.  

I have a tight a $700 budget for everything including the keyboared and monitor.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

for that budget you will have to go AMD ( not a bad thing). shop around and see if you can maybe get a x6 thuban something like a 1100T or 1090T for cheap, If you can fit it in maybe an FX 8320. You def benefit from MOAR CORESSSS!!!!!!

ram you can stick with any 1600 mhz; try and get low timing and latency ram rather than going for higher mghz.

will you be overclocking this workstation? what software are you gonna be using? give me some more info while I get a parts list going.

Well the point of the system is to show people (with my youtube channel) that you don't need $13,000 in software to do great VFX so I'll probubly be using blender (don't hate I've had to render 10,000+ particles and it slowed down every computer I tried, Lightworks, Gimp/Photoshop, and Voodoo(probubly...maybe).  

I have never overcloked anything before and honestly It kinda scares me so probubly not but maybe in the future.  

I came up with a parts list yesterday and was wandering also if this would be a good buil

Processor: FX-8320 $172.97

Motherboared; ASUS M5A97 LE R2.0 $79.98

Graphics Card: EVGA GTX 650 $84.99

Power supply:Coursair CX 600W $59.98

RAM: Mushking Blackline 16GB CAS 9 $89.98

Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB $59.98

Monitor: Acer G215HVBD $99.99

Case:aerocool VX-E $50

TOTAL before mail and rebates is: $722.89

After shipping and mail and rebates: $697.88

What do you guys think

try to fit an ssd (for 60 bucks?!) into this, it will boost up a lot! Check the speeds and the prices, and go with the cheapest. (but good brand) And if you wan't to overclock someday, I've read that the 8350 is better (for 10 bucks more).

I've tried to get both of those in but haven't been very succeessful.  The cheapest ssd is $30 plus the $10 for teh slightly better processor and that puts me over my strict budget.  I would have to skimp on the graphics or PSU neither of which I wan't to lose because an ssd won't help rendering but CUDA will.

Go with an AMD card; all of the software you are using supports OpenCL.

Cuda is allmost twice as fast though.  I've done some research on OpenCL vs CUDA for the software and the general concenses is that cuda is faster.  

If I get a comparable Open CL card won't it cost just as much as the GTX 650?  Like I said I am new to building a computer so if I'm wrong please corect me. ;)

Any suggestions about a good OpenCL card for rendering in my price range?

P.S. does anyone know what smallluxgpu IS?

ah, maybe look for an ssd sale, after you purchased your system. I would get the 8350 though.

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