TPM is an archaic, unreliable black hole that only further proves that those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither. For well over a decade the Consortium and its hundreds of supporters have been dumping money into this pit and passing down the cost to consumers for a quick profit. Every time it is reported that the issues with TPM have been patched and all is well another exploit emerges out of nowhere. I cannot, in good conscience recommend TPM to anyone despite its being onboard on most system boards manufactured for PCs these days. TPM has messed me up more times than I care to mention. If there werenât a way to install Windows 11 without it I wouldnât be using Windows 11. Yes, itâs sad that one is compelled to break a brand new OS out of the box just to avoid something as unreliable as TPM but thatâs the reality for those Windows users who want to stay current without submitting to using garbage that Microsoft already knows is bad.
Anyway, thatâs my take on it.