Braided or non Braided Mouse cables?

I noticed on twitter that there seems to be a lot of people who hate it and some people who love it. So I'm just curious what you prefer and why. Personally I like a braided cable because it looks nice and floats nicely across my desk. I've heard some say the opposite. I don't think a mouse without a braided cable is a bad mouse. I believe some of the best mice have rubberized cables. I'm just asking for thoughts and opinions as a social study.

Braided cables definitely look nicer at first but once they get dirty you can't clean them thoroughly. I completely did away with wired mice. Get some 2,000+ mah rechargeable batteries and a good wireless mouse I say. Although if I needed supreme accuracy I would revert back to the mouse that came with my coolermaster CM storm keyboard. If Tek would release a mouse without extra light coming from it I would try it out.

Long story short; neither are a deal breaker but I prefer rubber if I can't have wireless.

I definitely prefer non-braided mouse cables. In my home we have two mice and one is braided and one is non-braided. The SteelSeries mouse with braided cables gets caught on the back of the keyboard/mouse rest whereas the Logitech G300 is non-braided and I never complain about it getting caught on anything.

Doesn't matter, I use a mouse bungee of some kind anyways, though braided does seem to last longer

I Like the look and durability of braided cables in all types, not just mice. However, I like the flexibility of non-braided. I will experiment in how to make the braided ones more limber. But I also find that the rosin used on bows tends to make them not fray as bad. Use at your own risk.

This might be of some interest to you.


no preference.

it doesn't really matter.

edit: I find it weird that you post this thread, the same day joker makes a video about it. what a coincidence...

I love Joker. I must have missed this video. It may be because I'm not a mega gamer, but I didn't notice a difference with the drag on the cables. Still good info, thanks for the share!

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I'm ok with either usually. Given the choice ill take a non braided because it catches less.

The only problem i have with braided cables is when this happens.

But i don't really care either way, the type of cable is probably the last thing i look for on a mouse.

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ive never had a problem with either cords. i dont care.

Hey andrew, I know you from my comments and streams what's up man. Hoping you saw the video someone linked. I was thinking I may also do a detailed write up here on the forums with pictures and some unreleased video footage of this process that goes more in-depth than I thought would work in a video I publish. Otherwise it would have been like a 45 minute video :P

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Man, the job is already begun. Strip that sleaving off and enjoy the flexibility. It really is night and day.

You see it is not always cut and dry on the non-flexibility or catchyness of braided cables. It depends in his.much use they get to soften them up.

My Mionix Naos is braided and I love it. It slides across my wooden desk easyily and it exits down the back directly from the mouse so it is not trailing across the desk (why would you have it trailing getting caught in the first place) so it works wonderfully.

My Filco keyboard is a rubber cable and the friction of the rubber on the wood makes it catch and it is still kinked from when it was packaged so moving it.lumpy and catchy.

My California Headphone Company headphones have a braided cables and it is the best one ever. It does not seem to have the rubber under the braid and as such is extremely flexible and kink free. All round the better option and rubber would rub against clothes, bags and pockets like it did on previous headphones. But as above it gets daily use and is soft and fexilble now more than it was when I bought them so that counts for a lot.

For those annoying kinks in the cables both braided and non braided straightening out the cable and putting a little tension to keep it straight and then heating it up gently with a hair dryer or very low heat gun will straighten out the cable eliminating the catchyness to a great degree. I hate that cables are packaged folded up at tight angles and wire tied in place. Loop them in the bottom of the box and leave the cable free so it is not all bent out of shape.

I prefer braided mouse. After years of cheap mouse and the plastic on the mouse gone hard. I prefer braid. Sure if you have issues just tape them to your desk with a bit of flax so you can move around.

All this my chocolate/food gets them dirty and it rips crap are from really lazy people.

i prefer braided because i can be very rough on mice and the cables so braided gives them that extra strength.

I prefer unbraided because braiding does nothing at best or makes the cable too stiff in the worst case.