I recently built a friends son a mid level gaming pc and im having trouble installing windows from a USB flash drive.
I'm using an Unlocked version that I've previously used on my own pc with little trouble.
Step by step this is what I'm doing, I'm hoping the file hasn't been corrupted somehow and I'm just missing some step.
using command prompt- (these are the commands not what I literally entered)
clean disk
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs-ntsf
After this I've tried two things copying just the files and copying the files in the folders. First one didn't work at all second got me to the bootmgr missing error.
Its on a cheap m5 a97 le r2.0 motherboard though i doubt that makes a difference
I'm wondering if maybe the files have been corrupted in being transferred from one pc through my home network to another and then to another hard disk on the same computer and finally onto the flash drive.
I've also tried using the tool from Microsoft store but it isn't happy with my .iso file for whatever reason but the unlocked version I have did work
Thanks Tek community,
Enjoy the holiday,