Blocking phone apps and websites through the router

Good day everyone!

I was on my routers setting page (where you put a user name and password) and saw the parental control tab. I was wondering how to block a specific app. Attached are the images I see.
The website block is pretty straight forward but what do I do for apps? Let’s say tiktok, a game or LINE.
Attached is the menu I see.

Likely the manufacturer looked at the connections, DNS-Lookups and package-properties to make them into lookup-lists. Enabling them then creates firewall rules to block those connections.

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You can never block an app specifically, that is local to phone. A router deals with IPs, URLs, and MAC addresses. You have to specify all the URLs and IP addresses an app uses, but this is pointless to do manually as servers change often and grow with new ones. There are some firewall brands that let you think you are blocking an app, like UniFi, where you select the app itself from a list. In reality this app selection in the firewall just loads all those URLs and IPs to block, and is hopefully getting updated often by the firewall company to maintain an accurate and up to date block list.

Also kind of ironic to block TikTok when you have a Huawei router no?


If you let your firewall do MitM (= TLS inspection), then the firewall can tear any packet open, encrypted or not. Issue is dealing with certificates at home.


Thank you both for your responses @ MazeFrame. I fiddled around and failed but it was interesting nonetheless.

Lol this is about controlling the little brats not privacy. This is the one provided by our ISP. I will look into getting a new one. Anything other than Chinese brands are so expensive here (Jordan). When I’m back in the states hopefully I’ll look into them.