Black and Red gaming headset recommendations...?

Hi guys!


I just bought my first gaming rig and I still need to purchase a gaming headset, I dont really have any preferences only the fact that it is Black and Red so it matches my rig.

Ideally i would like to spend around £40 on it so its a nice even price with everything put together.

Also, since im on the topic... Can someone explain to me what i should be looking out for in terms of specs and why?



Perhaps look at these 2 links (same headphone, but the Pro comes with "ROG Spitfire"):

Disclaimer: I'm not an audiophile (and neither are you, I presume, if you are looking in the £40 region). I also have never used them, but read and watched a many reviews saying it's good for what you pay for -- I intend to buy a pair unless something better is found in the coming months (I'm in no rush).

Others may have alternative suggestions.

As an actual owner of this headset I can say that they're fantastic for gaming. Do not use them for music, as I found this to be disappointing. Also the mic that comes included is fantastic, so if you use voice chat often it is most certainly worthwhile. 

Useful to know, thanks.

2 questions:

  1. How good is the positional audio? I.e. how well can you pin-point someone using just sound in something like an FPS?
  2. Why are they not great for music? Could you summarise why, or instead point to a link/review which corroborates/summarises your opinion?

I'd probably get them anyway, as they would primarily be for gaming, but I would like to know if they are at least reasonable for music.

Black/Red? You MKBHD dude? :P