Big decision,would like to hear your thoughts

I'd advise you to wait since this is a transition phase, and a bad period to get a new pc in. Haswell compared to AMD on the mainstream market is terrible price/performancewise. Still instead of going with an FX 8320 and skimping on the rest, you'd better save up and see what prices AMD offers with their new platform.

The Haswell was more about the the chipset than the core performance, so if you want more Sata & USB3 channels great. But I see the SB, IV and Haswell all much of a muchness in CPU's

I'm not a noob I just have no reason to OC.There are only a few games that I plan to play(lol,dota2) and for those I would be all set with a good dual core :D
I could acctualy take the lowest i5 and would still be set as set can be...The fx/haswell thoughts where solely for the reason of future proofing 
 I guess the smartest choice would be making some best buy build right now and make a new one in a few years

  Yeah they have the Vertex 4 Series 

There will be no more CPUs made on the 1150 socket, just like Ivy and Sandy when they were launched.

Sorry no offence meant about the suggestion to OC, yeah Vertex 4 is cool just do a good flash before you install on it. 

Yeah, for a sandy bridge owner there's no need to upgrade, but for older than that it's a viable option. This has been the case for many years, 3 generations making no difference (look at pentium 4's 3 iterations, pentium d then suddenly core 2). For me it made quite a difference since I came from wolfdale core 2 duo, but I hope I don't end up with a sort of pentium D when the newer intels come out. (which I can bet won't happen due to the way the market works now, who knows what the future will bring though, I'm all in for progress)

I was also from Core 2 Duo to icore 3 2500K and everything was a massive step up, was brilliant - that jump up is what I am waiting for to throw my money down on :)

Then deffinitely go with AMD since they're better for those games. In games like starcraft 2 where intel dominates, it's still a negligable difference between them. I've had 90 fps in lol and 60 fps in dota 2in both games at 1680x1050 with the same video card and an E7300 @ 3Ghz (Which is an ivy bridge 2.6 ghz pentium dual core equivalent), so going with an fx 6350 or 8350 would get you farther than the "lowest i5".

None taken mate.Thanks a lot for the tips
Making a budget Ivy build does seem like the best idea.In any case it's gonna be a huge bump from this system and I can just sell it in a few years and make a new build

But there's nothing to top it off in that same manner, really! It's a stagnation that won't stop until one of either sides will get their schnittzel straight and bring better products that are worth buying for someone upgrading a 2011 build.

Not really generalizing, dollar for dollar or range to range iv found the asus to be better, the extreme series is marketed towards gamers , and iv just found that the asus boards marketed for the same group around the same price tag to be just better, Its just experience talking

I've been looking at some benchmarks and the i5 is winning
I plan on playing them on 1920×1080