Beyerdynamic dt990 vs sennheiser hd 598

Hey i am looking for an upgrade to my headphones. I listen to all kind of music but mostly electronic and rap. I like a punchy bass and clear sound/ clear highs.(i am not that good at describing sound) i also would like to use the headphones to gaming so i want a open sound stage. So would beyerdynamic dt990 premium (32ohm) or the sennheiser hd 598 be the best choice? i already have a fiio e10 amp/dac. the 32ohm version is the only one that is available from where i am buying. is there ant difference between the 32 and 250 ohm versions is sound quality?

IF you want strong bass and clear highs, then the DT990 is the way to go between the two. It has a classic V shaped sound signature, with recessed mids and prominent bass and treble. Personally though, I don't like open headphones for gaming unless I am going to be playing competitive first person shooters where the sound stage is actually necessary. Otherwise, I don't think that open headphones are necessary at all. Open has the downside of horrible sound isolation though which is a big problem imo. In most situations, I prefer closed headphones in general by a wide margin. For impactful bass, clear highs and a very present mids (not recessed meaning it is good for vocals) while being closed, I would suggest you look at the HP100. Great all-arounders. Very detailed, very spacious for closed, very neutral sound, easy to drive (my Clip+ drives them just fine), and a good price. I really like them for electronic, rap, watching movies, and gaming.

As far as the opened vs closed thing, I personally have the Q701 as well as the HP100. The Q701 has one of the best sound stages for gaming, but I don't really like it for gaming mainly because I don't need to know eactly where a sound came from. IT simply isn't necessary unless you are playing a fps. The Q701 have practicaly no isolation, meaning that I can hear myself type, I can hear anyone entering or leaving the apartment, I can hear basically everything, and anyone in the room can hear exactly what I am listening to. I've already told Logan that he should stop putting down closed like he does and offered to allow him to audition my HP100 so he could see for himself. Closed and opened both have their merits, but he makes it seem like only a fool would used closed, which simply isn't the case whatsoever.

I would not recommend Sennheiser for what you are wanting though. The Sennheiser veil would keep things from sounding too clear. Overall, they sound warm, laid back, and lack the aggression and impact that rap and electronic need.

Hey, first of all tanks for the detailed answer! I allready have a closedback headphone, and want a openback now. I am going to use them for fps gaming and music listening. I think i will go for the dt990 is Therese any difference between the 32 and the 250 ohm? I kone that the 250 is harder to drive and the 32 i for mobile use. But is there ant sound diffrence?

I  can't believe that it slipped my mind, but the HP200 seems to meet your criteria pretty well. Here is a review if you want to learn some more.

I have the DT 990 250 and I use them for gaming, they work really well and are extremely comfortable. I can wear them for hours without any discomfort. I cant speak on behalf of the 32 ohm but I'm sure they will sound great.