Bethesda releasing games on Steam again

Depending on the integration an actual port would require significant work on the new platform, something game makers will be loathe to do.

Yes, I’m kinda more going towards GOG… but my library on Steam is about 3 times larger. And having another client running just to play one game if I can already add it to the steaming pile is a pain…

I agree. But let’s see what the competition offers:
Bethesda: FO76…
EPIC: “We will eventually stop paying for exclusive games”…
EA: games I don’t play.
Ubisoft: their games are on Steam. games I don’t play.

The only Steam competition really is GOG, and even they sell Witcher on Steam.
I’m boycotting Epic Store the same way other people are boycotting Windows store - it is even larger and more steaming pile than steam … They don’t have genre separation, shopping cart, search functionality… Those are basic.
And the statement “we will eventually stop buying exclusive games”…
Complete epic boycott…
Do I want to play Hades, Ashen and bunch of others? I will not because of Epic.

At least Bethesda seems to have realised that early and are opening more towards wider audience.

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I quite like the Ubisoft store… got a couple games on there cheaper than steam.

I prefer steam because I have tried other stores and they frankly suck. The only one I like is GOG because it is entirely optional and they don’t make it horrible to use their games all they care is that you buy them. Everyone else makes you jump through hoops just to play what you paid for.

Steam is included there but frankly they got there and did enough right quick enough that I don’t want to leave. It is not perfect by any means but it is for the moment the most enjoyable of a bad thing.

If steam made it easy to take my game and install them standalone or migrate them to another launcher then there would be more cross launcher stuff but developers use the steam system for invites, cloud and patch delivery because it has the userbase and works.

To change it steam would need to open all of its platform to who ever wants to kink into it and that is a laughable dream. It is worth too much to them.

Only other client I use besides Steam is Origin… And it’s to play Battlefront 2 (yes, I know it was shitty at launch but it got better… And I only paid $10 for it). The EPIC store won’t see a damn purchase from me because they keep buying out publishers. I was especially pissed to hear that the Outer Worlds, which was advertised as launching on Steam, went to EPIC. That’s a crappy business tactic by any sense of the phrase.

But anyway, to get back on topic, I expected this from Bethesda. They’ll see more sales simply for it. I really hoped 76 would be good… And when it wasn’t I was really upset. You don’t remove characters from your game when the game is centric on creating an atmosphere and telling a story, and you sure as hell don’t release it with bugs that others have fixed.

Not to mention the balancing. ESO wasn’t great at launch either though, and I play that time to time so… Maybe I’m being a little hypocritical? Whose to say lol

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Competition is good so i agree.

that said im on Linux so i don’t have to worry about that choice.

ESO balance is pretty good… Nothing is perfect but they have managed to code better than FO76

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TBF I have a few games there… I just don’t play them… And I can get them on Steam…

I still believe Ubisoft is one of the very few AAAs that are genuinely trying to make good games. Even if they don’t always…


Steam actively supports linux. They get my money. End of story.

Ubisoft has made far too many poor ports to PC or neglected to make ports to PC for them to get any money from me without some kind of apology to the PC gaming base.

OT but uhh… Just got the notification

I’d pay ten buckaroos for F76. Not a farthing more.

RAGE 1 was a mediocre game overall but man, I loved that wingstick. Felt awesome.

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Literally do not care enough about any of those games other than doom eternal.

Which wouldn’t get me to install yet another store.

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