Best web hosting + email services?

So I'm putting together a personal CV site for myself, and thought I would make use of this promo code for you guys are running. However, I'm not sure who to actually host with. I've hosted a couple of sites with 1&1 before and had a good experience but I never tried transferring a domain or using any sort of email hosting services through them.

I want web hosting and email associated with a domain that I will transfer over, and price is also a primary concern.

Any of you web devs have thoughts on which host would be best for this sort of scenario?

I'm using fastmail and linode for hosting.

Obvoiusly linode means manually managing the hosting, but if you're good enough with linux, you'll be set with linode.

Another option would be to host with AWS. They have "one click" hosting services, that set up load balancing elastic clusters and whatnot for a web (or other) service.

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hmm linode looks a bit involved for what I want, but AWS looks promising. Do you know if I can get web hosting AND email hosting through AWS? All of their services seem locked behind a paywall..

Or should I get my email hosted by a different company than who I host the site through?

AWS provides what they call "workmail" which is mildly expensive and only provides exchange integration, so you won't be able to access it through anything but their web interface and Outlook.

That's why I recommended Fastmail. Also, when they call themselves fast, they mean it. I've got about 8GB of content in my account on fastmail and it's synced to thunderbird (over 150mbps link) at about 100mbps, which is better than any other provider I've seen and significantly better than exchange ever will be.

I recommend Mail-in-a-box for email. It's completely automated and you could probably make the updates automatic with a root cron so the maintenance is fully automated. Installing it needs only a single command and then you just set the nameservers of the domain to the box because it handles the DNS for you. You can even use the box as your own namesever.

I've found that AWS feels too complex and isn't scaled well for personal use. It feels more like it's for business use.

I've found that AWS feels too complex and isn't scaled well for personal use. It feels more like it's for business use.

AWS is definitely complex and isn't easy to get your head around. I find that it works fine, but that's mainly because I'm familiar with it on a business level. If I didn't know it, I'd be using something else.

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If you understand it then it's really good but it's not beginner friendly. They don't have real low-end plans for beginners like Digital Ocean does, but DO feels pretty limited to small scale projects. It feels good for personal use and that's about it.

As somebody who ran mail servers many years ago, I would advise against it. While Mail-in-a-Box does a good job, you’re still going to run into mail delivery issues, a new mail server needs to build up trust and the moment your cloud VM is provisioned, it’s guaranteed to be on a DNSBLs.

That being said, if you’re going to self-host e-mail that is not critical, then go ahead and do it. If you’re going to be regularly using your own domain for your everyday e-mail, then go with something like Fastmail.

i use M$ for my email hosting, really like all the extras that me and my wife use from it.

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