Unfortunately my Z390 Master died on me when I was getting to grips with my new CPU, I got it used as an upgrade from an 8700K for a good price and I only play games and do light MS Office work.
My Z390 Master should be back from RMA next week and I was wondering what indicators are there other than raw clock speed which confirm if it’s a good cpu or not such as benchmark results within a certain banding?
I got it to run at 5.1Ghz all core stable in Cinebench but never got to try 5.2Ghz before my motherboard needed to be returned.
I have managed to get it to run 3733Mhz 16-16-16-36-2T on my old Z370P D3-CF but I suspect that’s probably a limitation of the board rather than the CPU? However due to the VRM I can’t get it to run more than 3.7 all core without it throttling down the clocks.
It’s max core to core variation after running folding@home for 2 hours is only 4 degrees celsius, 71-74.
The reason why I ask is that i’m thinking of flipping it and waiting until they announce pricing on the 10990K since i’m guessing they’ll price it to be very competitive with the 3900X. However if it’s a really good bin then I guess it’s worth keeping?