I live in Europe, but I’m originally from the US. I have a phone plan from my employer that I can use while abroad, so I don’t need data in really any circumstances. I want a way to have a US phone number to tie my messaging, financial and other applications too. Using my work number is not ideal. I could buy another SIM, but some of my US based stuff require a US number.
I know of Google Voice, but I would hope the Linux phone scene keeps moving forward to where I don’t need to be tied to Android or Google anymore.
No idea if it’s feasible, set up a (VOIP?) phone number in the US, have a server intercept that locally and send the data via Asterix (Linux PBX) to your company phone.
I know this reply comes a bit late, but I saw your post and decided to chime in. Have you considered using services like Skype or WhatsApp? They both offer US phone numbers that you can use for messaging and other applications. Another option you could explore is using a free us numbers service to get a new phone number for specific contacts or situations. These services allow you to create a new phone number that you can use for messaging and calling, without the need for a SIM card. This could be a convenient solution for your US-based apps and contacts.
I do use apps like WhatsApp, but that doesn’t work in this situation when using my abroad number. For example, some credit card companies or my bank only accepts US phone numbers. My solution so far is to simply use a family member. I end up having to ensure they are available anytime I need to use a phone number as a sort of verification. I try to ensure I use MFA from another service, but often if I need to call support they will send a verification code to my family member’s number, and so I have to coordinate that. Overall not ideal.
I never found a free US number service to use. Your link just relinks this post. Was that an accident or do you have a link for me to checkout? That would be legendary
You might be able to rig something up with Twillo.
That could forward it to your work phone. I do not know of their rates, I think they have a free tier for a certain amount of calls per month.
Also, modern phones in the US have switched to using eSIM (electronic -SIM I.E no physical SIM port), where you can have up to 10 'SIM’s on a single phone. I would look into just getting one of those really cheap prepaid ones for international stuff.
I have a personal 3CX server on my home lab and use VOIPBuster for calls.
I prepay $25 at a time and can make calls (I have a Canada number, but they do offer US and other countries.) I don’t use it a lot, so that credit lasts a while. The primary use is for voice comms when gaming. I just set my buddies up with a 3CX extension and they can dial my ext direct at zero cost.