Best way to dual boot Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS and the 24.04 beta?

What I tried:

The 24.04 installer. It was unable to see my nvme drive where 22.04 currently resides. I am not sure why.

It was unable to see my nvme drive where 22.04 currently resides.

Have you clicked on the drive at the top of the manual partitioning window? It is a drop down list.

I don’t know what drives you have, or your familiarity with btrfs and grub. If the latter are good and the nvme drive has a btrfs, you could have 22.04 and 24.04 in that same btrfs.

Manual partitioning can see the nvme but I don’t want to erase everything on it. I think the problem is I used LVM when installing 22.04 and resizing that is not something the installer can do. The fs is ext4.

I was able to install it on a small partition on an SSD and so far its working well, with only one hiccup with bitwarden, bit this is beta so as to be expected and is why I am testing it out.