Best Small am3+ air cpu cooler

Like the title says my fx-6300 has been running very hot with the stock cooler, My case (NZXT Source 210) says it supports upto 160mm cpu coolers. The dark knight and 212 evo are 159mm tall according to the specs and i'm thinking that is much to close to work out. I've seen Logan's review of the Loki and i was looking at that, but other than that i'm at a loss. Anyone have any reccomendations? I don't wnat to do a water set up if i don't have to.

What's your budget?

Honestly, those will fit fine. But if you're really *that* concerned about clearance, there is the Zalman CNPS10x Optima, which measures in at 152mm in height.

Alternatively, you can get a down-firing HSF, such as the Zalma CNPS 8900

Alternately there is the Scythe Big Shuriken revision B:

I like it, and it's really short and offers cooling for your RAM and MOSFET, so, pretty cool.