I’m currently looking to fill out my “Linux ISO” collection more and have found the collection at PB disappointing. Can anyone suggest a good source with a wide selection of torrents?
I get mine direct from the source. Both Fedora and Ubuntu have “alternative” downloads which include torrents.
Why ‘collect’ them?
Some people have nothing better to do.
Don’t talk to me or my backtrack 5 r2 or windows xp sp3 black edition iso ever again.
Joking aside, besides seeding the torrents I don’t get the desire to keep multiple linux isos unless you’re a chronic distro hopper.
even then, iso’s get stale, and often one would be better off getting the newer iso anyway…
I think I have copies of Fedora going back to version 21. Because what else is 15 TB of NAS drives for? Bluray movie rips?
True, they aren’t actually useful for anything, but I do like to collect things.
The better question is why is this in the anime, movies and TV section?
I don’t mean it in an offensive way but you guys are pure souls. The question is about downloading pirated movies. That’s why the OP said “Linux ISO” in quotes and the question is in the movies section.
But that would be a direct violation of the rules?
3. No Illegal Content
Posting or linking to any content considered illegal in the USA is forbidden. This can include, but is not limited to: pirated software, downloads of copyrighted materials you do not have permissions to redistribute, grey market keys or similar.
Rule 3 of the community. Asking is not specifically mentioned to be not acceptable, but surely posting links is. I won’t ask to close the thread, but surely there’s at least the doubt that the OP is asking for illegal downloads.
But if OP was asking for tips on how to store/categorise/play back OP’s TOTALY LEGALLY BACKED UP MEDIA, then that would be okay.
But we can’t recommend pirate sites
Are we the pure souls? Or are we trolling the dude by giving him linux isos intentionally?
The world may never know.
Well, I guess I fail the common sense test, and genuinely did not think of the whole illegal thing.
No surprise that I am a sweet summer child.
There’s upgrading old systems, I imagine, that is, assuming modern isos still contain enough of the package tree to be useful for that purpose.
I’ve considered starting to keep an archive of the Gentoo Portage tree (and distfiles), or at least part of it, exactly for that purpose as I have a few systems where reinstalling isn’t exactly all that easy (eg. the Sun Blade 100, which I’m still struggling with), so upgrading might still have been the lesser evil (as having an actually running system would allow distcc usage, doesn’t appear to want to work quite right from a chroot…)
Ofc, that does not pertain to the OPs actual question, but there ya go anyway
oh… yeah shit lol I didn’t even pick up on that. Legit was confused why he would want to pirate linux ISO’s.
Locking as the answer to OP’s question is in violation of #3