Best Paint for painting a case

I was thinking about painting a custom logo on my case, (i created a stencil). but i'm not sure as to what the best type of paint to use, should i just sand paper the side panel. repaint it with a base, then put the logo over? or should i go with a special type of paint?

or how is the best way to go about painting this logo onto the side panel?

What type material are we talking about? If I can get more information I'll ask my manager since he has experience. I have feeling though that he might recommend prime and paint. 

it's aluminium. i believe. 

The 'best' way would be to powdercoat the panel, but that's not something you can usually do at home. Or anodising if the panel really is aluminum.

Other than that I would say that nice primer, paint, and technique will make the magic happen. I suppose it also depends on what the current finish is, from what I understand things like powdercoating doesn't work too well being painted over without some prep work,

I'll update in a few hours and tell you what info I've got so you can paint you case.

What colors are  you looking for, because from what I gathered if you want a basic set of colors with you logo then something like Rust-Oleum is going to be your best bet, however if you want something other than the basic colors they offer then go with the paint and primer samples that you can get from home depot for 3USD


i think car color lackery will probably be your best bett. maybe you could ask by a car tuning shop, or car painter.