Best of YT by L1ers - 2020

This channel has science based workout and dieting advice. He cites sources and gives a lot of good information.

Interesting cooking channel, but also has applied scientific explanations. A very memorable video where she debunks 5 minute films that are playing to the algorithm (displaying easy steps that achieve an impressive result) and then her husband breaks down how these content farms publishing BS are potentially peddling Russian propaganda.

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↑ US CSB, I wonder why the channel won’t display an embedded text?


I forgot to put this one; he put a new video today. He makes Blender animations to show how different things work. :slight_smile:

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Oh another one from a film school that always has such neat shorts:

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These are pretty good, thanks.


These videos are dope.

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An interesting channel breaking down electronics, and how they work. Like toaster and old jukeboxes.


The only YouTube channel ever to get me watch an hours worth of video about a toaster.


Hm. I’d rather the big cats had tons of room to roam and all, but I think Big Cat Rescue does a good job and does the best they can with what resources they have. And they work hard to make sure cats that can go back to the wild get to be free when they’ve healed up. It’s not perfect but it’s lots better than the alternative which is prolly euthanasia. :’(

Came here just to say this

I think someone shared it already, but I’m in consensus – it’s a pretty good channel.

Pretty good channel that does REAL academic philosophy, not the pseudo-intellectual type.

Mechanic that works primarily on Volvos, but has a very good explanations and understanding of car repair. Does ‘helper tours’ helping other DIY enthusiasts working on their cars.

Really good Metal album reviews and discussions.

High quality music/film analysis.

Great tech reviews.

Classic comedy.

Video game reviews.

Good science entertainment

Documentary-Style Channels


Another channel for short films:

And a channel for relaxing tunes:

It’s no Peters’ Pans, but it’s still fun, as a brief gamedev overview…

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Pfff… This guy is complete amateur… He cut of part of the code by mistake and didn’t even notice untill the comments told him… Absolute amateur…

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