My old thread on the best of Youtube happened nearly 3 years ago. I’m attempting to refresh this thread so that everyone gets a chance to show what they are watching.
So I am looking for some new tech channels to subscribe to to expand my learning a bit. L1 is definitely a top channel for me, but I need more education.
I know you guys know of profound tech channels that can teach you something as well as entertain you. Is there anything you recommend? The channel can pretty much be any topic, but my only criteria is that the channel subjectively has moved you, helped you accomplish something, or even cope with something. (You can add this connection to sharing the channel if you wish, but it isn’t required. Posting a link will work too.)
I’m quite diverse and open, so I don’t care what the topic is. It could be Engineering break downs, Science based workout routines, Movie Reviews, Philosophical rants, Economic Analysis, Poetry, Life Hacks, or whatever. The channel just has to have that hard work behind it that you can’t fake by using SEO / Marketing methods.
Since I am in the process of buying a new car, I found a channel that gives a very detailed insider view of how car dealerships work, what to expect when you begin looking for a car, and very practical advice on how to not get ripped off.
I watched hours of his videos and even devised my own car buying worksheet to use when searching.
my mechanics - Absolutely incredible restorations of tools. I mean, really really really well-done restorations, that normally leave the tool in better condition than when it was new.
Tech Tangents (AkBKukU) - Vintange computers, a bit of linux and newer computer, calculators, basic electronics. It kind of hard to belive that he is the brother of Druaga1.
Sir Swag - Gaming humor, world news, other random stuff. I have been watching since the their very first video, which was hilarious
Nile Red - Chemistry
Applied Science - Science experiments and making equipment in a shop, the guy built a scanning electron microscope in his garage.
Modern Vintage Gamer - Reviews/explainations of emulators, piracy, modding, homebrew, etc for both old and new video game consoles.
Channels arn't quite as good but still worth mentioning
Tech ingredients - maker stuff, actually awesome projects, but comparatively somewhat clickbaity, and often does not go into enough detail about how certain things work, but excessive detail about others.
Chubbyemu - Medical case explainations, incredibly clickbait titles and thumbnails, but consistently delivers better than almost anyone on what the title actually said.
Kitten Academy takes in rescued momcats so they can have their kittehs safely, then they get raised and socialized, all their shots and spay/neuter, and then can get adopted. =^.^=
Kitten Lady specializes in neo-natal fostering and has tons of info plus such cute little kittehs! =^.^=
Big Cat Rescue does what it says on the tin. =^.^=
C4D4U does such beautiful CGI physics simulations with Cinema4D! Things I want to learn to do in Blender…
Because \m/ (>_<) \m/
I also found this obscure tech channel that’s kinda interesting:
Not a fan of Big Cat Rescue, for a lot of the reasons Kevin mentions in his video on the whole Tiger King nonsense (he really gets into the topic at around 6:20).
The way the animals are treated, the size of their enclosures, etc etc.
This guy made troll tech videos like 10+ years ago. He does so in a format in which, if you didn’t know much about technology, you would be convinced by his bullshit.